Kassirer Tennis - ENRICH24-25-5
Kassirer Tennis
Kassirer Tennis
Grades 1st - 5th Only. Must attend the same school as the Wednesday Enrichment Program you are signing up for.
Kassirer Tennis
This program was created by Laura Kassirer, a former Wimbledon player, so students can have fun learning a sport they can play for a lifetime conveniently at school with their classmates. Coaches set up portable tennis nets on your school’s blacktop to make kid-sized tennis courts and provide kid-sized racquets & starter balls! Students will learn professional quality fundamentals; play fun group games, improve fitness and start to rally. Please have kids wear athletic attire and closed-toe shoes.
Kassirer Tennis
This program was created by Laura Kassirer, a former Wimbledon player, so students can have fun learning a sport they can play for a lifetime conveniently at school with their classmates. Coaches set up portable tennis nets on your school’s blacktop to make kid-sized tennis courts and provide kid-sized racquets & starter balls! Students will learn professional quality fundamentals; play fun group games, improve fitness and start to rally. Please have kids wear athletic attire and closed-toe shoes.
Charge When Not Billed:
Administration Fee (Standard Fee): $5.00 = $5.00
reg fee (Standard Fee): $260.00 = $260.00
Charge When Not Billed:
Administration Fee (Standard Fee): $5.00 = $5.00
reg fee (Standard Fee): $260.00 = $260.00