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Around the World with Mrs. Charlow - ENRICH24-25-12

Grades 1st - 5th Only. Must attend the same school as the Wednesday Enrichment Program you are signing up for.

Around the World with Mrs. Charlow
We will be visiting different countries around the world and some cities too! We will learn the culture and different facts about the country. We will learn some words in their language also.. The children will be making a craft from the country they visit and will be sampling food from that area! They will not be repeating countries, so returning students will learn all new material! Material fee of $10 due to instructor on first day.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Days Times Cost Ages Column #10
Unavailable Cancelled ENRICH24-25-12-3 Audubon Around the World with Mrs. Charlow 01/29/2025 -03/26/2025 W 1:05 pm - 2:05 pm $305.00/$305.00