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Math Olympiad: Creative Problem Solving - FALL24-SP5

Develop a passion for math and boost math confidence! Students challenge themselves by learning new math strategies and solving complex math problems to gain and refine math skills! They build math intuition, analysis, reasoning, creativity, critical thinking, and develop their confidence by conquering math problems, improving their organization, finding patterns, experimenting, and handling word problems. Different topics are covered each quarter, and courses can be taken in any order so that students are always learning! Small classes, experienced instructors!
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Days Times Cost Ages Column #10
Unavailable Cancelled FALL24-SP5-A Math Olympiad: Creative Problem Solving 09/19/2024 -11/28/2024* Th 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm 9-11.99