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Academic Chess - ENRICH24-25-1

Grades 1st - 5th Only. Must attend the same school as the Wednesday Enrichment Program you are signing up for.

Academic Chess
Learn chess in a fun, engaging, and dynamic environment. Our philosophy is to instill the love of the game. As a result, we're able to witness firsthand our student’s developing patience, strategic planning ability, and critical thinking skills. They also come to understand that decisions, both on and off the chess board, result in consequences. Class caters to all levels and all participants receive our exclusive workbooks. If you have any questions regarding the program, please feel free to call (888)44-CHESS.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Days Times Cost Ages Column #10
Unavailable Unavailable ENRICH24-25-1-3 Audubon Academic Chess Club 01/29/2025 -03/26/2025 W 1:05 pm - 2:05 pm $185.00/$185.00